Eclectic Homes

How to Build a Cube Shelf

Cube shelves are stackable shelves. To put it differently, the cube is as heavy as it is tall and broad. The shelves are elastic and can be used for books, storage boxes, and home decor or room dividers. Cube shelves don’t have a back to them, which simplifies their construction. Building the shelf only requires gluing, cutting and nailing to complete.

Cut two 12-inch parts of the 1-by-12 board using a circular saw. Cut two 10 1/2-inch bits of the lumber.

Squeeze a bead of wood glue on the ends of the 10 1/2 of one -inch bits. Place the board in between the two 12-inch bits, even. Put a clamp on the planks to hold all three.

Place wood glue on the next 10 1/2-inch bit and put in place in the other end of their 12-inch bits. Clamp the pieces together.

Nail the planks together to permanently fasten.

Fill in the holes left by the nails with matching wood putty. Leave to cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Sand the surface of the timber to eliminate any sharp edges or splinters . Sand adhesive which has seeped out of the joints on out and the inside of the cube off. In spots where the adhesive is thick, use a screwdriver to scratch off it.

Paint or stain the cube and leave to dry completely.

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