Home Painting

Problems With Hanging Wallpaper

It can bring colour and style into a room, cover up imperfections in a wall, and make effects that are hard to accomplish with paint, however wallpaper can also be hard to hang. Knowing what the possible issues are before beginning installation can make it simpler to fix them without splitting down strips which have been hung.


Air bubbles, whether large or little, are hard to prevent. Prepare the wall by brushing and priming it correctly to help the wallpaper stick. Use a smoothing brush, designed specifically for pushing bubbles from wallpaper once it’s hung. Start at the middle and push the bubbles out toward the border. Stubborn bubbles can be slapped with a small pin and also the air pushed out with the smoothing brush.


Peeling borders are usually brought on by improper wall preparation or inadequate adhesive. Make certain new masonry was primed or sealed before application and that all walls are cleaned thoroughly to remove any dust or dirt that may maintain the wallpaper from sticking. Apply adhesive all the way into the borders of the back of the newspaper or make certain that pre-pasted paper becomes wet in the borders. In addition, don’t apply too much pressure in edges and seams, which might cause paste to ooze out and away from the wallpaper instead of adhering it. Use extra paste or special wallpaper border glue to tack down peeling borders.


The first strip of wallpaper has to be absolutely straight or as more pieces are positioned the misalignment will grow increasingly more visible. Utilize a dot or plumb line to mark the wall and then lay the first strip along the border of it. A carpenter’s level and a pen can also be used to create a straight line. There are two options if it will become obvious that wallpaper is not hanging straight. Eliminate it all and start over, making absolutely certain the first strip is not crooked. Or, remove the most obviously twisted strips, draw a plumb line down the last remaining strip, and trim it off across the chord line. Match the pattern of the next strip along the plumb line.


Streaks throughout the wallpaper are usually from paste that has gotten smeared across it. A fast cleaning with a damp rag is all that is needed. Don’t scrub too hard or the newspaper might tear, wrinkle or get forced out of place. Warm water can make removal easier. Clean any streaks or smears the moment they appear.


Over-saturated wallpaper can tear easily. Follow the manufacturer’s directions for applying paste or lighten the paper in plain water before application. Tearing while cutting is usually caused by using a dull blade. Change the blade frequently or when it does not produce a smooth, even border.

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