
How to Install Residential Wiring

Thanks to the internet and the generosity of professionals who share their knowledge on it, you can now install the electrician Fresno wiring of your home on your own and without calling on a professional.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you learn how to install residential wiring, including all you need to know before you even start touching your wires:

Know Your Wires

Electrical wiring comes with a lot of differently colored and coded wires, and they all serve different functions. The red and black wires are known as ‘hot wires’ and their job is to carry the signal of electricity to the electrical outlet. The white wire, on the other hand, does the opposite job. It delivers the Fresno electrician current from the appliance or outlet, and back to the conductor. The translucent colored wire is called the Landscape Design wire, and its job is to balance the other two. It is important to make sure that the white wire doesn’t come into contact with the translucent wire.

Most electricians recommend going for the 12-2 wire, which is thick and has a better capacity to carry the amount of electricity needed by powerful modern appliances such as PCs, hairdryers and surround sound systems.

Figure Out What You Need

Before you choose your wires, see what electrical needs you have for the specific room where you’ll be making the installation. You’ll need to check what type of appliances there are, and how many of them require the wires that you’ll be installing, the number of needed outlets, where the circuit breakers and outlets should go etc. Although each property differs according to its needs, experts advise placing electrical switches at a distance of at least 48 inches from the floor, while outlets should be at 16 inches.

Circuit Breakers

Before you install the electrician Fresno CA wiring, first check to see if there’s enough voltage available for the new breakers. Familiarize yourself with your local electrical codes, or consult with someone who is, to learn what the standard is when it comes to the number of outlets and circuit breakers that you’re allowed to have. Keep in mind that the number changes depending on the location.

The general rule of thumb is that the primary circuit panel which services your home should have at least 200 amps and should support 40 different circuit breakers, which can be installed in different rooms around the house.

In a nutshell, do your research so that you know what you’re doing, and don’t place yourself in danger unnecessarily. When in doubt, call your local electrician or consult with them before you start the project to cross-check the information you’ve collected. At the end of the day, you’ll install the wires more confidently and securely than you would if you weren’t informed, and you’ll do a good job that your electrician won’t have to fix later.