Tropical Style

How Long Does it Take for Bare Root Roses to awaken?

Nothing looks more pitiful than a newly planted bare-root rose standing like a skeleton from the backyard, its slender, naked stems clacking together at the end. But finally, winter spring and passes has its own way with the world again. A healthy, properly implanted bare-root rose will switch back into development mode as the days grow longer and the temperature rises, although nobody can predict the specific timing of its own awakening.


It is romantic to think of dormancy as Sleeping Beauty’s long snooze when awaiting her true love’s kiss, but plant dormancy is more like anesthesia than sleep. When the cold weather and also declining hours of sunlight trigger a rose’s internal hormonal development inhibitors, it drops leaves, ceases blossom creation and stops all development actions. Like hibernating bears, roses avoid harsh winter conditions simply by shutting up shop. During the dormant state, a rose does not react to severe pruning, transplant or even complete removal from the ground. When the days lengthen and the temperatures rise, the degree of a rose’s growth hormones increase as well as also the plant’s roots and branches begin to grow again.

Bare-Root Roses

Commercial rose growers take advantage of rose plants’ dormancy to dig them from the floor and give them for sale without soil around their roots, a presentation termed bare root. Anyone who has always carried a large potted plant almost any space will easily see 1 benefit of the presentation, since a bare-root rose is as light as a piece of kindling you might use to start a campfire. Easy to transport, bare-root roses can be sold at lower prices than container-grown roses. However, they need to be removed from the ground, sold and replanted prior to the leaf its dormant state.

Planting Bare-Roots

You want to plant your bare-root rose in late winter or early spring, well before it shifts into development mode. Several horticulturists advocate cutting its origins in tepid water for 24 hours before you plant. When you’ve dug a large hole in a sunny place with well-drained soil, it works better to prepare a little mound at the bottom of the hole. You can set the rose on the mound for planting, spreading its origins across the mound before you replace the ground. If your rose is grafted, the graft line must be just above ground level. Even though you should give your rose water immediately after planting, you won’t have to water it again until you spot new increase in the spring.


The length of your wait between planting a bare-root rose and its awakening depends upon when you plant and when spring comes. You will understand your bare-root rose has left dormancy behind when you see new growth appearing on among its old stems. Often the first green shoot is followed by others in quick succession, but every cultivar and climate differs. Nature signals the rose that it’s time to grow again with growing temperatures and additional sunlight, but it isn’t like a alarm clock and also doesn’t happen on the exact same date year after year.

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