Problematic Shoots Across the Base of a Lime Tree

Unless you live in a tropical climate, then you will probably be growing the “Bearss” — also known as “Persian”– lime (Citrus latifolia), which rises in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11. Limes trees, such as all citrus, can create shoots at the bottom of this tree. Recognizing these and correctly…

How to Plant Oxalis Triangularis

Oxalis triangularis is also called love plant or purple shamrock. It is a low growing, bulbous perennial characterized by scores of dark purple, triangular leaflets and fragile, tiny white blooms. The leaves, roots, and flowers of this plant are edible, with the spring-blooming flowers making especially beautiful salad garnishes. The plant has a clump-forming habit…

Outdoor Landscaping With Black River Rocks

Black river rocks, whether you utilize large or tiny ones, can add character to your yard. Small stones tend to be shiny, catching visitors’ attention and highlighting the region. Massive stones come both rough and smooth, allowing you to utilize the rocks in various ways, creating charming gardens or stylish constructions. Walking Surfaces Black river…

The way to Prune Shrubs and Branches

Normally the landscaping around a house has a few shrubs and other vegetation with woody divisions, and over the years these limbs may develop long and look unkempt. To ensure a neat appearance around your lawn and keep shrubbery healthy, it’s a good idea to prune back branches and gently cut some stems to provide…

How to Water Olive Trees

Olives trees (Olea europaea L.), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, are drought-tolerant trees after established. An established tree can withstand a lack of supplemental watering even in arid inland areas. Young olive trees should be watered frequently as they become established. If you wish to boost olive growth,…

What Pesticide Is Successful on Holly Bushes?

Measures to eliminate pests on holly plants in the garden start with cultural control — maintaining the holly strong and healthy so it can withstand and recover from pest infestations. Biological controls include beneficial insects already present or introduced into the garden that prey on insects that are dangerous. Sometimes, infestation and damage to the…

The way to Graft a Loquat Tree

A subtropical native of China, the loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica) works well as an ornamental tree in the home landscape. This evergreen tree produces white flowers in the autumn against a backdrop of oval, dark-green leaves. Although the flowers are not much to check at, their sweet fragrance creates an inviting atmosphere. Hardy at U.S.…