Tropical Style

The way to Graft a Loquat Tree

A subtropical native of China, the loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica) works well as an ornamental tree in the home landscape. This evergreen tree produces white flowers in the autumn against a backdrop of oval, dark-green leaves. Although the flowers are not much to check at, their sweet fragrance creates an inviting atmosphere. Hardy at U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 11, loquat trees grow best in full sunlight and fertile, fast-draining soil. Loquat seedlings are not true to their parent plants, so grafting scions from productive trees on seedling rootstocks is 1 approach to propagate desirable varieties.

Fold 1 sheet of paper towel into quarters. Hold it under a running stream of water to moisten it. Squeeze the paper towel to remove excess water. Put it into a plastic zipper bag. Seal the bag shut.

Pick a healthy, disease free loquat tree which creates desirable fruit where to gather your scion wood. Pick a two-year-old branch that is 1/2-inch in diameter, straight and blemish-free. Cut through the division at a point below the fourth or sixth bud, creating a 6- to 8-inch extended scion. Put the scion in the plastic bag, tucking its cut finish between the layers of paper towel.

Pick a loquat rootstock that is 1/2-inch thick and right. Cut straight across the rootstock, 18 to 24 inches above the ground. Set the knife blade, sharp edge down, round the center of this rootstock’s top. Push the blade downward, cutting perpendicularly to the timber. Cut down to some thickness of 1 to 1 1/2 inches.

Eliminate the scion from the bag. Make a 1- to 1 1/2-inch long cut at a 45-degree angle on one side of its bottom end. Ensure that the cut ends at the halfway point of this scion’s bottom edge. Make a second, identical cut the other side of the same end, developing a point with equally exposed areas of cambium tissue, or inner wood.

Set the knife blade back within the rootstock’s cut. Twist the knife handle slightly to one side to start up the cut. Rank the scion’s pointed tip at the center of this rootstock’s cut, with the cut sides facing the rootstock’s inner walls. Catch the pointed end down to the pointed cut whilst simultaneously taking away the knife. Ensure that each of the scion’s exposed tissue is totally within the rootstock, touching its exposed timber.

Pinch the sides of this rootstock together to hold the scion set up. Wrap rubber grafting tape around the graft to secure both pieces in place and cover the open sides of the cut. Brush on a layer of grafting wax within the taped graft to seal it from disease, insects and moisture loss.

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