
Lime Sulfur for Shade Tree Fungus

Fungal diseases in color trees and other landscape plants can lead to disfigurement, stunted growth and even death. Treating the infection, or spraying the tree with fungicide to protect it from getting contaminated, requires special chemical compounds that eliminate particular fungi. Lime-sulfur preparations are used since the 1800s. Sulfur kills the pathogens, and grapefruit lessens the sulfur toxicity to the plant, making it safer to use on trees that are more sensitive to sulfur. Lime-sulfur fungicides are organic, but that does not mean they can be sprayed with abandon.

Shade Trees and Fungi

Shade trees are not necessarily deciduous. Conifers and other evergreen trees also create shade and fall victim to fungal diseases. Not all of respiratory infections of trees can be treated successfully with lime-sulfur chemicals. Trees can contract powdery mildew, anthracnose, maple leaf gall, rust and some leaf spot infections. These diseases can be prevented or treated with lime-sulfur fungicides. Proper identification of this fungus is vital to properly treat the infection.

Browse the Tag

Lime-sulfur fungicides are readily available at garden centres in either liquid or granular type. The item normally needs to be combined with water to achieve the proper dilution for spraying. The tag on the item provides instructions for mixing to the correct dilution. You will also find on the tag a listing of insects and diseases the item may be utilized to treat and normally a listing of trees not known to be sensitive to this fungicide. The tag should also have a listing of trees that should not be sprayed using the lime-sulfur fungicide. Instructions for application rates, timing for repeat sprays and some other cautions about spraying at certain temperatures or under other climate conditions should also be on the tag. Mixing the product more powerful than the tag instructs can harm the tree.

Applying Lime-Sulfur Sprays

Lime-sulfur compounds may be utilized as in late winter or early spring as a dormant spray to eliminate overwintering fungal spores until they germinate. When the leaves begin to sprout in spring, the fungicide is implemented either in the early morning or nearer to sunset, to avoid burning the leaves. The sprays generally should not be utilised in temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Lime-sulfur sprays may be applied with a hand sprayer in case the tree is small enough for one to completely drench the foliage. A backpack sprayer may create a strong enough spray to reach the foliage of small- to medium-sized trees. Tall trees are more challenging to reach with average sprayers. Hydraulic or pressurized air sprayers may be accessible rental stores and are available in various versions appropriate for different tree heights.


After the sulfur portion is too high, the lime-sulfur mixture can lead to phytotoxicity from the shade tree’s foliage. Much like some respiratory diseases, phytotoxicity can lead to stunting or twisted foliage, leaf spots or bronzing, necrotic areas between the leaf veins or dead leaf tips and margins. If the particular tree you need to spray isn’t recorded on the product label, you can test the lime-sulfur fungicide on a small region of the leaf and then monitor the treated area for one to two weeks before spraying the entire tree. Evergreens may be especially sensitive to lime-sulfur sprays.

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